Discover the amazing world of cryptocurrencies

Find out about the revolutionary technology that is changing our world

What are cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies, which are digital currencies created by users of computer networks, are provided with counterfeit protection and protected from multiple issuance. Cryptocurrencies are considered a means of online payment. They have no physical form.

Payments made through cryptocurrencies are incredibly fast because they take place without intermediaries and can be carried out anywhere and anytime.

Cryptocurrency is the only type of currency in the entire world that is independent of banks, financial institutions and state governments. This ensures their complete absence of interference or manipulation by these entities.

Many cryptocurrencies are based on the blockchain network, which is a system of recording information that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack or cheat the system. As a result, the possession or use of cryptocurrencies is safe.

Get to know the most popular cryptocurrencies



Bitcoin (BTC) is a type of digital currency. It was introduced into circulation in 2009 by an individual (or a group of individuals) who introduces himself/themselves by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. It is currently considered as the most expensive digital currency in terms of capitalisation, but its value is determined by people. That is why its value translates into the value of physical money.

Bitcoin doesn't just stand for virtual money, however. It is a global payment system that allows this currency to be sent and received. It fulfils the same role that banks, funds, and financial systems perform for transactions of physical money.



Ethereum (ETH), the second most popular cryptocurrency in the world, is dubbed "Bitcoin 2.0". However, Ethereum is not only a digital currency but also a powerful developer platform for making smart contracts (through which transactions can be made) by means of blockchain technology.

It also provides an efficient system that allows users to create decentralised applications. This means that applications are developed in a distributed network, which prevents them from being shut down or censored unexpectedly.



Ripple (XRP) is a per-to-per network that provides a digital payment protocol for financial institutions. It is based on the open-source RippleNet platform. This allows users to carry out fast and inexpensive financial transactions.

Ripple was founded in 2012 by two individuals – Jed McCaleb and Chris Larsen. Unlike the creators of other cryptocurrencies, their main objective was not replacing the entire banking system but streamlining monetary transactions carried out through a decentralised system. By removing any intermediaries in the form of financial institutions, it has become an alternative for safe international money transfer.



Stellar (XLM) is an open-source digital platform that uses decentralised currency and financial systems to connect banks, payment networks and people. Stellar is, therefore, a distributed payment system. Unlike other networks, Stellar operates as a non-profit organisation.

The story of Stellar began when the developers of Ripple published the source code of their network. At that point, one of Ripple's founders, Jed McCaleb, refined that code and started a new project based on it, which he called Stellar.

Bitcoin Cash


Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is another cryptocurrency used for peer-to-peer electronic payments. It allows users to perform transactions without long delays and excessive costs.

Bitcoin Cash was created because of the high popularity of Bitcoin, which led to numerous delays in transactions. However, its job is not just to create an alternative to Bitcoin but to fully replace it. Despite this, both cryptocurrencies have a lot in common.

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